BUY FILESERVE PREMIUM Unlimited parallel downloads Download directly without waiting time and ads Maximum download speeds

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Buy FileServe Premium



FileServe 1 hari/day   58.888
30 hari/day 108.888
75 hari/day 214.888
180 hari/day 378.888
360 hari/day 618.888
720 hari/day 1.049.888

Batas download/limit download GB
Ukuran file maximum upload/Maximum file upload size     2 GB
Kapasitas penyimpanan/storage capacity GB
Menyambung download yang terputus/Connecting the disconnected download  
Paralel download/parallel download
Didukung software download/Supported software download
Tanpa batas download harian/Without the daily download limit

Cara Order

  1. Pilihkan Paket yang Anda inginkan.
  2. Transfer pembayaran Paket tsb ke rekening Bank yang tersedia.
  3. Cantumkan Alamat Email Anda jika tersedia di ATM/Internet Banking pada kolom "Berita"
  4. Agar lebih memudahkan identifikasi, mohon transfer dengan angka objektif 2 digit belakang. Misalnya : Paket 1 Bulan Rp 101.000,- maka transfer Rp 101.0xx atau sesuai dengan keinginan Anda.
  5. SMS Konfirmasi ke No. HP 081514022007 dengan format FS/Jkt Wkt/Bank/Tgl Trf/Nominal/Alamat Email Anda. Contoh : FS/1 bulan/BCA/19.01.2012/Rp 101.089/
  6. Reseller akan kirim Premium Voucher Code kepada email sesuai format sms.

"How to Order

Chose the package you want.

Transfer payments to the bank account tsb packages available.
Embed your email address if available for ATM / Internet Banking in the "News"
In order to further facilitate identification, please transfer the objective number 2 digits behind. For example: 1 Month Package Rp 101,000, - then transfer Rp 101.0xx or to your liking.
SMS confirmation to No. HP 081514022007 with format FS / Time of Jkt / Bank / Date TRF / Nominal / Email Address. Example: FS / 1 month / BCA / 19.01.2012 / USD 101.089/alamat @
Premium Reseller Voucher Code will send an email to the appropriate format sms."


Pada halaman awal, kanan atas klik "Login", masukan username dan password. Kemudian klik tombol "Login"


On the home page, top right click "Login", enter your username and password. Then click "Login""

  1. Setelah login, diatas bagian tengah halaman klik "My Account".
  2. Setelah masuk, dibawah menu tersebut klik "Redeem".
  3. Disebelah kanan halaman ada tulisan "Extend / Upgrade Your Own Account", dibawahnya ada "Premium Voucher Code:" masukan kode voucher dari kami di kotak tersebut, lalu klik "Submit".

Once logged in, above the middle of the page click on "My Account".
Once inside, under a menu click "Redeem".
To the right of the page it says "Extend / Upgrade Your Own Account", underneath there is a "Premium Voucher Code:" input of our voucher code in the box, and then click "Submit"."

  • Perbedaan resmi dan asli:
    RESMI: Terdaftar pada website resmi masing2 server, dan pasti asli.
    ASLI: Biasanya menjual hanya berupa kode voucher yang hanya bisa digunakan sekali. (non fisik, seperti kode voucher pulsa, tanpa kartu).
  • Reseller resmi atau asli menjual voucher hanya berupa kode yang akan dikirimkan melalui email, yang akan digunakan hanya sekali layaknya kode isi ulang pulsa dan non-fisik, tidak berupa kartu seperti isi ulang pulsa. Reseller resmi atau asli tidak menjual berupa account + password (Bisa kemungkinan bajakan) atau atas permintaan pembeli, itupun sesuai dengan username yang diinginkan. Hati-hati jika membeli berupa username, password dan tidak boleh login. Banyak kasus yang membeli berupa username + password, biarpun emailnya sudah diganti, account tersebut bisa diambil kembali.
  • Kami memberikan jaminan hanya sebatas kode voucher yang kami berikan valid/sah/berlaku. Jika username anda sudah menjadi premium, kami tidak bertanggung jawab jika anda tidak bisa login atau diblokir oleh server.
  • Jika server "down", ditutup sementara ataupun ditutup selamanya, kami tidak bertanggung jawab. Voucher yang sudah dibeli, account di extend, tidak bisa dikembalikan dalam bentuk apapun.
  • Sebelum mentransfer perhatikan dengan benar. Dana yang sudah ditransfer tidak bisa dikembalikan. Dana tidak hangus, tetapi akan dikurangkan pada order berikutnya.


Differences official and original:

OFFICIAL: Listed on the official website masing2 server, and definitely original.
ORIGINAL: Usually sold only in the form of a voucher code that can only be used once. (non-physical, such as vouchers codes, without the card).
Authorized reseller or the original selling only a voucher code that will be sent via email, which will be used only once like the reload code and non-physical, not a card like reload. Authorized reseller or the original did not sell in the form of account + password (can likely pirated) or at the request of the buyer, that would correspond to the desired username. Be careful when buying such username, password, and not be logged. Many cases are bought in the form of username + password, even if the email has been changed, the account could be taken back.
We provide only limited assurance that we provide voucher code valid / invalid / void. If the username you are already a premium, we are not responsible if you can not log in or blocked by the server.
If the server is "down", closed temporarily or permanently closed, we are not responsible. Voucher purchased, account extend, will not be refunded in any form.
Before transferring the note correctly. Funds that have been transferred can not be returned. Funds do not expire, but will be deducted on the next order."


  • Jangan menggunakan lebih dari 1 komputer dengan waktu yang bersamaan.
  • Jangan sharing akun anda dengan orang lain.
  • Jika hendak pindah komputer sebaiknya anda "log out" atau "Sign Out" terlabih dahulu.
  • Bagi pengguna komputer umum (warnet atau kantor) biasakan "Logout / Sign Out".
  • Jika akun anda di blokir oleh pihak server kami tidak bertanggung jawab. Mereka tidak akan memberikan kesempatan yang ke-dua kalinya.


Do not use more than one computer at the same time.

Do not share your account with others.
If you want to move the computer should you "log out" or "Sign Out" terlabih first.
For common computer users (internet cafe or office) habit "Logout / Sign Out".
If your account is blocked by the server we are not responsible. They will not allow a second time.